Is Being “Liked” Reason Enough for a Facebook Business Page?

By Dana Severson

Facebook for Business. You’ve got a page. If you don’t, you probably plan to. Or someone in your circle is insisting you should, and offering up a whole laundry list of reasons why.

It’s popular. And with over 900 million users, popular is an understatement.

It’s interactive. Unlike other marketing channels, except for maybe a blog, you can interact with potential customers and forge some pretty solid relationships.

It’s searchable. As with your company website, a Facebook for Business page shows up in search engine results.

It’s easy. You don’t need to be the tech-savviest of people to use the site. Facebook makes it quite simple to post comments, pictures, videos, and links to its Timeline.

It’s free. There’s no out-of-pocket expense to launch a page. Unless, of course, you’re paying someone to update it. Or ponying up the dough for a little ad space. 

But are “popularity” or “searchability” or “ease” reasons enough to get your business a Facebook page?

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying you shouldn’t. In fact, I think Facebook is a great tool to grow almost anyone’s business. But you still need to approach its use in the same way you do any other piece of your marketing mix. 

Definition of purpose.

Just because every other business in your industry is sending out a mailer or investing in a white paper, you’re not automatically doing the same — at least, that’s my hope.

If you don’t define the purpose for the page, it’s almost like not having one at all. It’s simply ineffective. And why invest time, energy, or money in anything that doesn’t provide results?

Ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish with my Facebook for Business page?” 

Once you define the purpose, the outcome is now measurable; it becomes a tool you can use and optimize to your advantage.

Is the sole purpose of the page to generate leads? If so, you can now measure how many qualified prospects come through this channel.

Are you looking to grow the size of your network? Again, you can measure the growth and breadth of your reach from its inception to this point in time.

Is the page a platform for feedback that can then be used to improve the products or services you offer? Or is it a tool to find and fill a gap in your particular industry? 

Are you trying to give existing customers a richer, more engaging experience with your brand? Or expose uninformed consumers to all the benefits of doing business with you? 

Maybe it’s a combination of these and others. Regardless, it’s a definition.

If you don’t have a reason for the page, a “like” isn’t doing you much good — not in the long run, at least. Before you set up a Facebook for Business page, figure out how you plan on using it. And then measure, measure, measure. 

This post was originally published on Beneath the Brand.